Exclusive Preorder: SYNERGY... NURTURE in MYSTERY Awaits You! / Pré-commande exclusive : « SYNERGIE... ENRICHI en MYSTÈRE » vous attend !
Exclusive Preorder: SYNERGY... NURTURE in MYSTERY Awaits You! / Pré-commande exclusive : « SYNERGIE... ENRICHI en MYSTÈRE » vous attend !
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SYNERGY... NURTURE in MYSTERY/SYNERGIE... ENRICHI en MYSTÈRE is a captivating blend of 55 sacred writings in both English and French, and 55 corresponding artworks, inviting readers into a world where words and images intertwine. Each writing, mystically channeled, is accompanied by a stunning illustration that brings the verse to life. The illustrations, ranging from delicate line drawings to bold, vibrant artworks, complement the themes of the channeled writings, creating a harmonious experience that speaks to both the soul and the eyes.
These sacred writings of Anastasia Magdalena, channeled by Julie Westeinde, are mystical musings re-membering the teachings of the Way of Love. Inspired by these writings, the illustrations created by Sandra Bernier enhance the mood and tone of each piece, drawing readers into the book's evocative atmosphere.
This book is more than just a collection of sacred writings; it's a visual and literary journey that encourages readers to pause, reflect and immerse themselves in the beauty of the written word and the power of visual art. Whether you're a lover of the soul journey, the power of words and healing, an art enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the fusion of two expressive forms, this book is a portal to a unique and enriching experience in both English and French.
Join the growing community of people who have been touched by the power of these writings and images to strengthen their courage to say yes to the inevitable twists and turns of growing into their full potential as human beings through the Way of Love.
Julie Westeinde is surprised by the impact these mystical writings have on her and others. These sacred writings, channeled through her over a period of 14 years, have inspired her commitment to resurrecting the value of feminine intelligence to restorying beauty, truth and love as a way of life.
Sandra Bernier is a gifted painter, medium and is able to read your energy field and translate into art. She is passionate about using her artistic expression to inspire others in their own creative journey.
Céline Genest translated these writings in french. Rooted in the wisdom of her life trajectory, she naturally conveys the profound essence of this chef-d’œuvre.
Julie Westeinde est surprise par l’impact que ces écrits mystiques ont sur elle-même et sur les autres. Ces écrits, canalisés à travers elle pendant une période de 14 ans, ont inspiré son engagement à ressusciter la valeur de l'intelligence féminine et à restaurer la beauté, la vérité et l'amour comme mode de vie.
Sandra Bernier est une peintre douée, médiume, avec la capacité de lire votre champ d'énergie et de le traduire en art. Elle est passionnée par l'utilisation de son expression artistique pour inspirer les autres dans leur propre cheminement créatif.Céline Genest a traduit ces écrits en français. Ancrée dans la sagesse de son parcours de vie, elle transmet naturellement l’essence intime de ce chef-d’œuvre.